Full Moon Forecast of Meditation: Change and Overcoming Obstacles
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Full Moon
Full Moon Forecast of Meditation: Change and Overcoming Obstacles

September 18, 2024

Align with your true purpose, free from past limitations, and step into a more meaningful chapter.
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The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, brings emotional clarity and the opportunity for deep inner transformation. With the Sun in Virgo opposing the Moon in Pisces, you’ll feel the tension between practicality and your emotional or spiritual needs. This eclipse highlights hidden emotions, unresolved issues, and patterns that no longer serve you, pushing you to release them.

Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces may challenge communication, making it difficult to balance logic with emotional depth. Be mindful of perfectionism and avoid overly critical thinking.

Venus in Libra opposite Aries suggests tension in relationships. This is a time to seek balance between assertiveness and compromise. Moon conjunct Neptune heightens your intuition but may blur boundaries—stay grounded while exploring your inner world.

With Sun trine Uranus, unexpected changes may offer the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. Use this energy to find new solutions and perspectives on long-standing issues.

Full Moon
Full Moon Forecast of Meditation: Change and Overcoming Obstacles

September 18, 2024

Align with your true purpose, free from past limitations, and step into a more meaningful chapter.
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