Autumn mid-equinox

A Time of Spiritual Reset and Divine Light

October 8-9, 2024

The Mid-Equinox marks the culmination of a powerful fifteen-day spiritual journey that began on the Autumn Equinox. This sacred day offers you the opportunity to reflect, release, and realign, ensuring your soul is prepared to receive the Light and spiritual guidance you need for the coming shadow part of the year.

On the Equinox, we symbolically stand before the Divine Judge, where our actions, thoughts, and intentions are reviewed, and we set the stage for our spiritual year. But it is on Mid-Equinox Day that we receive our “verdict”—a spiritual budget or life force for the coming year. This "budget" determines the energy, abundance, and growth available to us in all areas of life, based on the internal work we've done over the past two weeks.

Why We Need Guidance to Navigate the Shadow

Throughout time, the grace of the teacher has been available to those truly committed to their spiritual path. The ego’s influence is powerful, creating resistance, fear, and patterns that keep us stuck in the same cycles. Without the assistance of higher spiritual beings, teachings, and rituals, the ego alone cannot transcend itself.This is where the Autumn Equinox Virtual Retreat comes in. This event is designed to give you the tools, guidance, and spiritual support you need to work through the shadow and create a new reality for yourself.

What You’ll Experience Over 2 Days:

Day 1: Tuesday, October 8 – Eve of the Mid-Equinox (Day of Preparation)

As the sun sets, we enter a sacred time of reflection and preparation. On this evening, you will be guided through practices of introspection, atonement, and forgiveness as you prepare for the powerful spiritual reset that follows.

  • 2:30 PM – Stardust Broadcast Prep
  • 6:30 PM – Fast Begins at Sundown/Candle Lighting
  • 7:00 PM – LIVE Lecture on Atonement, Forgiveness, and Renewal
  • 7:45 PM – Releasing Broken Promises and Vows w/ Stardust Broadcast

Day 2: Wednesday, October 9 – Mid-Equinox Day

This vital day is about releasing the mind from the illusions of karma and fate, clearing the slate, and aligning with your highest spiritual truth. This is a time to confront the dualities that control our lives and break free from the cycles that keep us in suffering.

  • 9:15 AM – Stardust Broadcast
  • 9:30 AM – LIVE Morning Meditation
  • 11:00 AM – LIVE Tarot Reading
  • 11:11 AM – LIVE Lecture on Atonement in Regards to The Star Tarot Archetype
  • 11:30 AM – LIVE Tarot Teaching & Deep Integration Connection
  • 12:45 PM – LIVE Moment of Spiritual Reflection & Honoring the Past
  • 2:30 PM – Afternoon Stardust Broadcast

Prepare Your Spiritual Vessel

The Mid-Equinox is not just a day of contemplation; it is a crucial moment to connect with the spiritual event that allows us to "download" the Light that has been allocated to us for the year. However, this Light can only be fully received if we have properly prepared our spiritual vessel—our body, speech and mind.

Through this retreat, we will guide you through the process of cleansing and expanding your vessel so that you can hold and channel the divine energy being offered to you. It’s a time to realign, cleanse, and open yourself to the abundance that will shape the year ahead, making sure your spiritual and emotional channels are open to receive.

Mid-Equinox Day offers you the tools to not only reflect on your past but to actively shape the future, harnessing the cosmic energies that influence your path for the coming year.

This is your opportunity to reset, renew, and prepare for the year ahead with clarity and purpose.

What You Will Experience in This Retreat

This retreat will guide you through deep spiritual practices, live teachings, and meditations to ensure that you’re fully prepared to receive your spiritual budget. You’ll gain insight into how to align with the divine energies of the Mid-Equinox and take part in rituals that help you clear away any energetic blocks.

Key Features of the Retreat:

Live Lectures on the Star Archetype

Explore how the Star Archetype will influence your spiritual journey over the next six months. Learn why working with the shadow side is essential for your growth and how to navigate this challenging but transformative energy.

Guided Meditations

Designed to help you tune into the energy of the Autumn Equinox and align yourself with the new archetype being inaugurated. These meditations will support your journey of reflection and integration.

Rituals for Ego Transcendence

Rituals to help you break through the persistence of the ego and connect to the higher spiritual beings guiding this time of transformation.

Tools for Shadow Work

You’ll receive spiritual tools and practices to help you face and integrate your shadow, allowing you to grow stronger and wiser through this process.

Choose a package

Basic Package

Access to all live sessions and recordings
PDF fast guide for receiving the cosmic energy
Stardust Broadcasts at crucial times
Candle Lighting Rituals
Exclusive Meditations


Access to all live sessions and recordings
PDF fast guide for receiving the cosmic energy
Stardust Broadcasts at crucial times
Candle Lighting Rituals
Exclusive Meditations

Why This Virtual Event Matters

The Mid-Equinox is not just a day for reflection—it’s the moment where your spiritual fate is determined. This "verdict" shapes your spiritual budget for the entire year. If your spiritual vessel is not prepared, you risk missing out on the divine Light and guidance that can elevate your life.

This retreat offers you the tools and guidance to ensure that your soul is aligned, clear, and open to receive the full measure of divine energy available to you. By doing the work now, you set yourself up for a year of spiritual abundance, growth, and transformation.


  • Sign Up: Participants register for the Autumn Equinox Virtual Retreat. During the sign-up process, they choose their desired package (Basic or Premium, if applicable).
  • Gain Immediate Access to the Retreat Dashboard. Download the meal plan to prepare ahead of time.
  • Option to Register for Future Events
  • Join the Community: Engage on Telegram fellow Zodiac Hackers, share experiences, and seek guidance from experienced practitioners.
What is the Mid-Equinox and why is it significant?
What is karma, and how does this retreat help me confront it?
What is the significance of Releasing Broken Promises and Vows w/ Stardust Broadcast during the retreat?
Is fasting required for this retreat?
Can I join this retreat if I’m not familiar with tarot or spiritual practices?
How do I join the retreat and access the live sessions?