Virgo Season Forecast 2024
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Solar Inaugeration
Virgo Season Healing Meditation 2024

August 21, 2024

The goal is to take 100% responsibility and 0% blame.
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Virgo season is dedicated to preparing for the Autumn Equinox—a day when our fate will be weighed and balanced. These thirty days bestow gifts of organization and analysis, helping us become clear and honest about where we stand on our spiritual path. It’s crucial to self-reflect with logic and reason so that we don’t get emotionally sucked into self-pity or wallow in regret over past mistakes.

Think of it as packing up a house. If you indulge in every single picture or piece of memorabilia, it’ll take forever to get the job done. Sometimes, we need to shut down the emotional brain that leads to nostalgia and indulgence in the past. Instead, we just have to pack up everything we need and throw out what we know we’ve been holding onto for far too long.

Virgo is very duty-oriented and focuses on the task at hand with simplicity. While emotions can provide inspiration, they should be considered but not granted permission to override the entire situation. This allows for logical processing and the ability to keep moving forward, even in the face of challenges.

During Virgo season, we are asked to atone for anything we’ve separated from. Wow, that’s a tall order! I say atone because atonement is the ability to bring things into unity (a quality ruled by Virgo). On my site, you’ll find a beginner's atonement exercise that anyone can do, especially during the month of Virgo and hopefully beyond!

The goal of atonement is to take 100% responsibility and 0% blame.

When we take full responsibility, we are automatically free from taking any blame, whether it comes from others or ourselves. Whenever we feel guilty or attacked in a situation, it’s a sign that we haven’t stepped into our personal power of self-responsibility—owning what’s ours and discarding what is not.

Thankfully, Virgo season provides a temporary “no BS zone” that demands truth even in the face of the most sophisticated lies. Like many people with the Sun in Virgo, we are called to take responsibility very seriously during this time. But it’s essential that we take responsibility without taking on blame. We need to know what we are responsible for and what isn’t ours to handle. This is a challenge for Virgo, and we will all get a taste of it during this season.

Knowing the difference between what we can handle and what needs to be handled by others is a complicated lesson, as the tendency to get caught up in small details can blind us to the bigger picture. When we truly understand what we are responsible for, and thereby our duty on this Earth and in any situation, we are empowered to get the job done.

The downside to avoiding self-responsibility is the development of cynicism and skepticism, which can dampen enthusiasm and stop us in our tracks. Virgo will shine a light on the negative parts of life, and just like a film, this light will project that negativity into space. What we see in that space is a presentation, a movie if you will, for us to review and make notes. But we need to maintain passion and enthusiasm for life and its processes while processing what we see. Without it, we could become burned out, discouraged, and even hopeless that we can make positive changes.

The best way to cultivate this enthusiasm and passion is with humility and staying grounded. Virgo, an earth sign, wants us to be simple and grounded—remember that “no BS zone” I mentioned earlier? That’s Virgo. Be humble and accept imperfections as necessary steps on the path to completion, where every step is already perfect.

Without this attitude, we risk developing what’s called false humility, where we pretend to be humble. What does that look like, you ask?

It’s the “holier-than-thou” identity that believes it has everything figured out and patronizes others. This is the same mindset that clings to phrases like, “I release whatever doesn’t serve me,” which is impossible because the true aspirant knows that everything on the path serves us in moving towards greater enlightenment.

With false humility, we may pretend to have compassion, profess to care, and go through the motions, but we lack the ability to experience life as a blessing.

However, with atonement, self-responsibility, and enthusiasm, we can turn cynicism into optimism and see that each step of life leads us to ultimate bliss.

Solar Inaugeration
Virgo Season Healing Meditation 2024

August 21, 2024

The goal is to take 100% responsibility and 0% blame.
This is some text inside of a div block.