June Full Moon Workshop
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Full Moon
June Full Moon Workshop

June 20, 2024

This Full Moon will ask us to remove obstacles that keep us from balance, adaptability, and the juggling of life's demands.
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The Full Moon occurs right after the Summer Solstice and at the beginning of Cancer Season. It is a unique and powerful time. It combines the height of solar energy with the reflective and nurturing qualities of the Moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer. This allows us to balance our active and receptive energies, reflect on our emotional well-being, and set meaningful intentions for the future. It’s a time of illumination, emotional insight, and spiritual growth.

This Full Moon will ask us to remove obstacles that keep us from balance, adaptability, and the juggling of life's demands. It encourages us to move beyond the illusions and constraints of time and space that we often find ourselves trapped in.

The Full Moon opens a cosmic window allowing us to detach ourselves from the rigid structures and expectations imposed by the material world. These illusions of time and space often make us feel limited and constrained, preventing us from accessing our true potential.

By letting go of these illusions, we open ourselves up to higher dimensions of consciousness. In these dimensions, we find the strength and courage necessary to achieve our material goals. This may seem paradoxical because it involves moving away from the material plane to better manage our material realities. But we will explain this secret to life in our Full Moon Workshop.

Let's dive into the astrological chart of this Full Moon, with the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer.

The first of two Capricorn Full Moon’s this Cancer Season, this highlights a dynamic interplay between the practical, disciplined energy of Capricorn and the emotional, nurturing energy of Cancer. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, emphasizes themes of duty, structure, and long-term planning. The Full Moon in Capricorn brings awareness to how well we manage our responsibilities and whether we’re creating a solid foundation for our future or not. It can illuminate your career achievements and public image. It’s a time to reflect on your ambitions and the steps you’re taking to achieve them. Which leads us to….

The Question Of This Quest.

With Zodiac Hacks astrology, the Full Moon is a time of reflection, when each of the archetypes asks us a specific question to assist us on our quest. In order to see which obstacles we need to remove, each full moon poses a unique question for reflection, as the sun and moon are in opposition - reflecting back to each other the light of Truth. As this opposition occurs, a 48-hour space is rendered for us to operate within. This space is made of stardust atoms that interact with your being on all levels.

In this particular cycle, we can access the best of us beyond any quality of duality, by asking ourselves the following question:

Where am I selling my soul? What do I need to do to a) get it back and b) not sell it again? 

(get more insights on this in the online workshop)

We will go into depth about this in our Online Workshop. For those of you working on your own, contemplate the above question during the Full Moon window and write down any insights that may come so that you can have a greater idea of what to work on.

There is a lot of power and light to be had with this Full Moon, depending on where it’s happening in your chart. We can control our actions so that we can manifest our destiny. If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful Full Moon, you can access the online workshop.

The Full Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer creates a significant tension between emotional security and practical ambitions. With Mercury in Cancer, communication might be more emotionally charged, which can clash with Capricorn's preference for straightforward and practical discussions. Venus in Cancer's need for emotional security might feel at odds with Capricorn's drive for material success. Finding a balance between these desires is crucial for personal harmony.

This Full Moon in Capricorn not only opposes the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer, but also forms significant aspects with Chiron in Aries, Mars in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces. These aspects add layers of complexity and opportunity for growth.

A trine to Chiron in Aries suggests a harmonious flow of energy that facilitates healing through assertiveness and courage. This aspect encourages us to confront wounds related to self-identity and independence, providing the strength to take initiative in the healing journey.

While the trine to the Mars in Taurus supports taking practical, grounded actions towards goals. This aspect encourages persistence and patience, blending emotional stability with tangible efforts. However, Neptune's influence can blur emotional boundaries, making it difficult to see situations clearly. The square aspect demands vigilance in maintaining clarity and avoiding escapism. It’s a call to integrate spiritual insights with practical actions without getting lost in fantasy.

Our upcoming Full Moon Workshop is designed to help you navigate and transcend the unique astrological challenges presented by the Full Moon in Capricorn.

Join us in this transformative Full Moon Workshop to harness the powerful astrological energies, transcend challenges, and optimize your path towards personal growth and fulfillment.

Full Moon
June Full Moon Workshop

June 20, 2024

This Full Moon will ask us to remove obstacles that keep us from balance, adaptability, and the juggling of life's demands.
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