The first full moon of the new year, the Full Moon In Cancer — occurs in opposition to Capricorn — highlighting friendship, celebration, companionship, and collaboration — and bringing so much positive energy and healing for you to discover and release the patterns within you that are getting in the way of attracting true friends, real celebration, and good collaboration. In this workshop, you will learn about toxic patterns and relationships, as Arik teaches about the necessity for interpersonal detox, for reflecting on the patterns within yourself that you need to remove, as you will find there are really no toxic relationships, only your toxic patterns, that are attracting those relationships in the first place. It is about transforming your awareness, letting go of your mental patterns, your old stories, and receiving the power and ability to render your own reality, shape it so that it isn’t shaping you, heal, activate and celebrate that friendship within you — to experience life as brand new, and to not look back.In the guided meditation, you’ll use the calculator or workbook to find out where this Full Moon is occurring, and also where Capricorn is ruling in your chart — as this will provide extra information to help you really let go and eliminate these patterns that are getting in the way of having proper friendships, celebration, and collaboration.Some Key Points You May Learn About —🌕 What is preventing you from having something new?🌕 Your toxic patterns are attracting your toxic relationships.🌕 Know the difference between toxic people and good friends.🌕 What does it mean if you fear that things are going to crash?🌕 You can always know the difference between an obstacle and a challenge.