The gift of this unusual second New Moon In Aries, just as we have entered the 7-Week Journey Through the Tree of Life, allows us the creative inspiration and clear vision to establish the seeds for our desired intentions with this new moon, while transcending the challenges presented by the total solar eclipse, and to see that, by opening to the Divine light within, we will ensure a successful entrance into the state of bliss. Humble yourself to the blessings of this gift, and to the magical weeks to come, as we allow Arik to bring us the teachings and new insights of this workshop, stepping us through the guided new moon meditation, and helping us to do the hard work required to overcome the effects of our negative patterns and renew our connection to our essential self.The new moon cycle begins a period of creation and intention. In the guided meditation part of the workshop, working with the attractor fields, you will identify the house where this new moon is occurring for you, set your intentions for this new moon cycle, and then, send them into that house in your chart, as you contemplate the question for this specific New Moon in Aries. Some Key Points to Listen For —The secrets of cause and effect. The rules and laws we abide by that make things work.Working with our dreams to receive the messages that are coming through.It’s time to release the patterns you’re unable to let go of. It’s okay to let go.Tap into the new energy of a new vision. Act with your intuition.How to prevent attracting the fields of loss.